Climate change has been widely recognised as one of the greatest threats to public health globally and nationally. As owners of 10% of the NHS estate, we play a key role in reducing emissions, helping the NHS adapt to climate change and building healthier communities. Read the NHSPS Green Plan to learn how we're reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact.
Everyone has a role to play in delivering a net zero NHS and together, we can create a greener future. Take a look at the resources on this page to get started. You can also follow us on LinkedIn and X for the latest tips and updates.
Read our Green Plan to find out what we've achieved in the last three years, what our goals are for the next three years and how the plan will impact our customers.
We're focused on four key areas: Energy, Utilities and Data, Environment and Waste, each with their own goals, steps and measures.
Read our Green Plan
Goal: Achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2040.
KPI: We’ll complete 90 decarbonisation projects over the next 3 years.
How we get there: We’ll implement a Net Zero Carbon Strategy that will deliver decarbonisation projects and enhance energy efficiency across our buildings, with a focus on reducing the emissions at our top 100 emitting sites. We’ll aim to make sure carbon emissions are a key part of estates decisions and provide funding to implement projects such as supporting zero emissions transport, installing LEDs and Building Management Services among other projects.
Goal: Help NHSPS colleagues and customers use data to reduce utilities costs, carbon emissions, and environmental impact.
KPI: We'll set stretching targets, including doubling the amount of data our customers can access.
How we get there: We’ll work with customers to improve our carbon reporting and help NHSPS colleagues and customers use that data to reduce their utility costs, carbon emissions, and environmental impact. This includes improvements in calculating our carbon footprint, using technology for data sharing with customers, and providing analysis and reports to help stakeholders to influence and reduce environmental impact. We’ll also deliver value for customers through responsible procurement and utilities management.
Goal: Continuously improve environmental impact and meet compliance obligations.
KPI: We’ll complete audits at 132 of our higher risk sites.
How we get there: We’ll work to improve our environmental impact and meet compliance by embedding processes, improving climate resilience at high-risk sites, and boosting biodiversity. We’ll also develop sustainable travel and buying strategies whilst also monitoring our Scope 3 (third party) emissions for better reporting.
Goal: Reach the NHS England waste segregation target of 20% incineration, 20% infectious waste and 60% offensive.
KPI: We’ll achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions produced from waste management by 2026.
How we get there: We’ll continue to align our services to the NHS clinical waste strategy, and work with colleagues and customers to implement the correct waste streams by introducing the appropriate waste bags, bins, labels, and posters. This will help our customers effectively segregate their waste and help them achieve their waste targets. By increasing waste segregation, we can reduce costs and lower carbon emissions.
By incorporating more eco-friendly habits in your day to day, you can help reduce the carbon footprint of our healthcare system.
Download the guideThese resources will help you understand what type of waste should go where.
Read the guideIn this video, the Energy and Environment team share their tried and tested tips.
Watch the videoGot a question? The answer might be on our FAQ page.
Visit our FAQ pageWe are taking an active approach in addressing climate and environmental challenges, recognising the need to move to a net zero economy as well as building climate resilience. Since 2021, we have aligned our emissions targets with the NHS target of being net zero carbon by 2040.
Our CRFD report outlines how we integrate climate adaptation into our overall business strategy.
Read the report