
We understand the importance of the decisions we make as an organisation and the positive impact it has on our customers and the NHS.

To ensure we take the right steps as an organisation, our boards and committees oversee the work that we do. They are responsible for making sure we work efficiently, identify and manage risks and meet our legal obligations.  

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Governance structure

To ensure we take the right steps as an organisation, our Board and committees oversee the work that we do. They are responsible for making sure we work efficiently, identify and manage risks and meet our legal obligations.

Please visit our Board committees page to learn more about how we're governed.

NHS Property Services Board

The Board consists of the organisation’s senior management team and external stakeholders who together oversee how the business operates.  The Board:

· is responsible for the organisation’s day-to-day operations including setting the strategic direction and operational budget (for approval) of the organisation

· provide leadership to the organisation

· ensure the organisation has appropriate governance for effective decision making

· ensures compliance with laws and directs the organisations financial practices and reporting

· oversees the process of external disclosure and communications

· oversee the executive team including appointments and performance

· provide support for improving customer relationships with the organisation

· is accountable to the Secretary of State for Health

· is accountable to its stakeholders including its employees, government authorities, customer, suppliers, the NHS and members of the public.

The lead Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer.

Assets and Investment Committee

The Asset and Investment Committee advises the Board and Asset Management function on policy and strategic approaches and execution. The Committee:

· reviews and approves property and portfolio strategy and policy

· oversees compliance with property and portfolio policy

· ensures guidelines determined by Board are appropriately actioned through policy and strategy

· reviews and escalates significant issues and risks.

The lead Executive Director is the Director of Asset Management.

Audit and Governance

The Audit and Governance Committee advises the Board and Shareholder by overseeing the organisation’s:

· governance, risk and compliance

· audit

· risk management

· health and safety

· control environments

· financial control

· financial reporting and accounts.

The lead Executive Director is the Chief Financial Officer.

Customer Committee

The Customer Committee sets the strategic direction and approach for customer engagement.  The Committee:

· represents the voice of our customers at a board level committee

· ensures the priorities of customers are fairly represented in strategic business decisions

· supports the business to deliver excellent customer service and monitor satisfaction

· reviews the organisational performance against the Customer Strategy.

The lead Executive Director is the Director of Customer Services and Communications.

Facilities Management Committee

The Facilities Management Committee oversees the facilities management strategy and policies as approved by the Board.  The Committee:

· oversee strategy and policies

· manage the delivery of the annual facilities management strategy

· monitor progress on Health, Safety and Wellbeing

· oversee the development and monitoring of progress against annual expenditure budgets.

· ensure statutory compliance and delivery of remedial works are adhered to

· approve policies in key facilities management areas

The lead Executive Director is the Chief Operating Officer.


The Nominations Committee lead the process for board appointments and make recommendations to the Board.  The Committee:

· continuously reviews the Board’s skill and experience base

· oversees searches and the selection process

· reviews the size and structure of the Board and proposes changes

· oversees the roles of the Board

· reviews the activities of the Committees.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee make recommendations to the Board on remuneration packages and policies.  The Committee:

· determines targets for performance related pay schemes

· oversees appropriate contractual arrangements

· reviews the remuneration policy and benefits structure

· determines trends across the company

· ensure fairness, equity, consistency and best practice are applied to decisions.