Contact us

Working with Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England/Improvement and our customers, we have developed our first customer charter. This sets out our promise to customers, outlining how we will work with them, what we need from them, and how to get in touch with us.

As part of the NHS, our purpose is to help transform the NHS estate, delivering on the NHS Long Term Plan and enabling our NHS colleagues to deliver excellent patient care. 

Read the charter

Hear from our customers and colleagues

A customer view: Andrew Lawley

Andrew Lawley, Estates Lead at NHS Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG, shares what the Charter means to him, and his relationship with NHSPS.
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'I pledge': our promise to you

Colleagues across NHSPS share what the Charter means to them, and how they plan to deliver on our promise to customers.
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A customer view: Rachel Kingston

Rachel Kingston, Assistant Practitioner at Community Therapy Services, shares what the Charter means to her, and her relationship with NHSPS.
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Have some feedback? Get in touch

We will review the charter twice a year in order to ensure that we are responding to customer feedback and that we continue to improve.

We welcome your feedback and encourage you to get in touch with your comments and what you would like to see in future editions.