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Reconfiguring and refurbishing health centre to meet support patient list

Beverley Health Centre, Beverley


Customers: East Riding of Yorkshire CCG, Manor Road GPs, Humber Foundation Trust, and City Health Care Partnerships.

NHSPS representatives: Tom Britcliffe, Principal Portfolio Optimisation Manager Project lead, Simon Martyn, Property Manager and Martin Salmon, Senior Construction Manager

Contractor: G Wilkinson Ltd

Architect: James Totty Partnership LLP

Surveyor: James Totty Partnership LLP

Customer feedback

“We are pleased to have been able to support the development at Beverley Health Centre. The population of Beverley and surrounding areas continues to grow and this refurbishment to create additional space will help to ensure GP services in Beverley remain sustainable and continue to meet the Primary Care health needs for local patients. The refurbishment was made possible thanks to the collaborative working of all NHS providers who deliver services from the Health Centre and we are grateful for their assistance in delivering these enhancements.”

Richard Dodson

Chief Finance at East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group

“As the practice list continues to grow we are committed to providing excellent clinical primary care to our patient’s. The new rooms provide additional space for consultations with GP’s and other allied healthcare professionals.”


Dr Julie Cavill

Manor Road Surgery


The GPs required more space to meet their new models of care and a growing list size. We therefore set out to optimise the existing space to meet the GP’s clinical needs and to give them a higher quality space.


We developed the project with a working group of all occupiers, the site’s landlord, Assura, and the CCG which was led by the local lead at NHS England to plan how the building could be optimised by repurposing existing space.

We put together a multi-disciplined team consisting of Portfolio Optimisation, Property Management and Construction.

Together with the occupiers, we decided that existing community and mental health occupiers in the building would move internally so the GPs can take more space.

We funded the feasibility study then project managed its implementation in and end to end service. As part of this, we refurbished and created eight clinical rooms and made use of 70sqm of previously vacant space. 

We had to actively manage an issue around phasing to ensure the works went ahead without causing disruption to service delivery in this busy multi-occupied health hub.

The works were financed by £241,000 of combined funding from the CCG and Assura and started on February 2021 and were completed by 21 June 2021.


The health centre has three new consulting rooms and the remaining six rooms were upgraded. 13,000 patients will now be able to benefit from the modernised practice and staff will be able to deliver healthcare for many years to come.

In addition to these refurbishment works, the building also underwent improvements, such as the installation of new floors, fittings and a climate control system, which are aimed at providing an enhanced environment for patients to receive care in and improved workspaces for NHS staff.

A comment from Thomas...

“We hope that our work on Beverley Health Centre will not only provide a more pleasant environment for patients and NHS colleagues alike, but but future-proof the building to meet increasing demand for healthcare locally. From an original request from NHSE to find a solution to the GPs needing more space, I am really pleased how we worked together with the two commissioners and three tenant/providers to optimise the existing estate to provide for all customers needs. It is an excellent example of NHS partners working together to achieve better outcomes for the patients."

Thomas Britcliffe, Principal Portfolio Optimisation Manager, North East and North West England