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Brownsover Medical Practice, Rugby, Warwickshire

New £2.3m community GP surgery

For many years, Brownsover residents were travelling to Rugby Town Centre to see a GP following the closure of their branch surgery in Brownsover.  NHS England therefore asked NHS Property Services to support the delivery of a new building in Brownsover for the provision of GP services to the local community.

Rugby Borough Council owned vacant land immediately adjacent to the old medical centre so it was agreed that we would build a new medical centre and community centre on this plot.  We appointed a management and design team and funded the project via customer capital, where the revenue from selling unfit-for-purpose or unused buildings is reinvested back in to the estate.

Brownsover Medical Centre opened on 28 January 2019 much to the delight of the local community who now have access to GP services in their community after several years of temporary residence. The building includes five consultation rooms, two treatment rooms, a group room, supporting ancillary rooms, storage rooms as well as staff facilities and administration functions. 

The centre was completed to a very high standard of specification and finish and achieved a BREEAM Excellent rating.