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Eccleston Medical Practice, St Helens

Construction of a new community GP surgery following 10 years in a porta-cabin

Our construction experts, alongside St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group, identified to an opportunity to use land at a new housing estate to build a permanent residence for the provision of GP services to the local community.

Our asset management experts worked closely with the CCG, Orbit Developments and the GPs to ensure the correct leases and documentation were in place prior to work starting onsite. To meet the needs of the occupiers, we worked closely with the GPs and St Helens CCG to identify the requirements and maximise the use of space. We provided all specifications and design elements to Orbit Developments for the new building, checking that their proposed designs would meet our tenants’ requirements. Orbit Developments were building the housing estate and thus took on the role of constructing the new GP surgery, starting works in June 2018. The building was completed in March 2019.

One of the key successes of this building is the compact design and efficient use of space leading to the new practice offering more rooms to see patients and greater staff space. The new GP surgery includes four consultation rooms, a treatment room, interview room, meeting room, office, staff room and storage areas. Our expertise in property and facilities management kicked-off this scheme and saw it through to a successful outcome. The new building provides a permanent home to the GP surgery after years of temporary accommodation and uncertainty over the future of the practice.

Read the full case study

“Eccleston Medical Centre is the first new build that St Helens CCG have worked with NHS Property Services colleagues on, in doing so ensured the plans got brought to fruition in a professional manor with the right skill mix. The support that NHS Property Services provided was critical to ensuring a successful project was delivered for the patients of St Helens.”

Sue Griffiths, Primary Care North/Central Network, Manager, NHS St. Helens CCG