Site: A range of NHSPS owned sites across the north west, requiring new space and services for COVID-19.
Customers/Stakeholders: Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust (LSCFT), Greater Preston Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Chorley South Ribble CCG
NHSPS representatives: Zakaria Limbada, Senior Property Manager, Colin Maylor, Facilities Service Manager, Damian Gudgeon, Health & Safety Specialist, Mike Hill, Senior Construction Manager, Daniel Burdett, Regional Partnership Director (North West)
LSCFT were commission the following, and asked NHSPS to support:
Throughout all of these projects, we worked hard to ensure none of the existing operations or users were put at any unnecessary risk.
We recommissioned and reconfigured space across our estate during COVID-19 to provide additional capacity for treatment and testing, delivering space for over 1,000 beds.