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Relocating GP services to help save £200,000 per year for the NHS

Moorfield Road Health Centre, Enfield


Site: two-storey health centre, NHSPS owned. 

Customer: Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

NHSPS representatives: Dhiren Ganesh (Senior Portfolio Optimisation Manager), Leo Grunhut (Senior Property Manager)


Enfield CCG announced the underutilised site as surplus to health requirements in 2017 following the exit of a GP practice. There was no longer sufficient need for the building to warrant the running costs.

There was a GP practice remaining on site that required support to find a suitable new location to ensure ongoing provision of healthcare to local patients and to optimise the NHS estate.

NHS Property Services (NHSPS) were tasked to work collaboratively with the CCG and GP to find a right-sized suitable alternative site and enable the relocation.


NHSPS worked with the CCG and GP to find suitable relocation options in the local vicinity (within a 1-mile radius).

After an extremely thorough review of other sites, a low-cost option was agreed upon which met the full requirement: to move into an existing NHSPS property Riley House. NHSPS worked to support the relocation, with the move complete in September 2019.


Negating the need to acquire new space for the GP practice meant NHSPS achieved huge savings for the NHS: £200,000 per year on facilities management costs,  service charges and business rates. Re-routing these funds back into the NHS could equate the annual salaries of 8 nurses and cover 30 hip replacements per year. 

Vacating the Moorfield Road site has also enabled the NHSPS Transactions team to prepare for the site disposal, which will generate further funds to be reinvested in the NHS.