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Portchester Health Centre, Portchester, Portsmouth

Forming of two new treatment rooms and installing a roof replacement

Portchester Health Centre is a single-story purpose-built surgery dating back to the mid- 1970s. The building won a number of design awards due to its unique roof design. Unfortunately, this unique design proved to be extremely difficult to maintain and it was leaking. Portsmouth CCG contacted NHS Property Services to replace the roof and remodel the internal space whilst ensuring patient services could continue.

A temporary roof was put over the building and we worked closely with the CCG and GPs to schedule dates for moving around the rooms to ensure the practice could remain operational. Works began in September 2018 and were completed in June 2019.

Areas of the building which were previously unusable are now in working order and we have added more rooms to accommodate a growing patient list. We took the opportunity to also improve the aesthetics and efficiency of the building, installing LED lighting and energy efficient glazing.