NHSPS representatives: James Page - Regional Partnership Director, Lewis Taylor -Senior Facilities Services Manager and James Unwin - Facilities Services Manager
Partners: RD&E
NHS Property Services was asked to identify and mobilise additional space to support the COVID-19 vaccination roll out in Devon.
This meant quickly mobilising the internal team and network of external contractors to repurpose the vacant and mothballed, former ward space at a community hospital into clinical areas for use as a PCN led vaccination clinic for the three local GP practices.
Works were instructed by the CCG on 1 December 2020, with the aim of starting vaccinations on Monday 14 December 2020.
Our Facilities Management team quickly mobilised the following works through a combination of in-house resource and partners:
The centre went live with vaccinations on Monday 14 December as planned, after only nine working days to mobilise the plan and deliver the space ready to use.
The site can now enable 200 patients a day to be vaccinated.
NHSPS and RD&E continue to support the project by providing facilities management services such as cleaning, waste management and security as well as ensuring the assets within the building such as lights, heating and water remain in good working order.
This is an excellent example of collaboration across the local health system, and both the PCN and CCG leads were appreciative of the NHSPS commitment and support to get the facility opened so quickly.
"Thanks, as ever I am very grateful for all the help from NHSPS."
Clive Shore, Estates Adviser, Devon CCG