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Improving admin area to support NHS staff

Shepperton Health Centre, Shepperton


Customers/Stakeholders: Shepperton Medical Practice

NHSPS representatives: Shani Sreedharan, Facilities Services Manager, Jordan Tuthill, Facilities Coordinator, Emma Finegan, Senior Portfolio Optimisation Manager​

Customer feedback

"Thank you so much for doing the girls rooms, they look so much better and will help with their wellbeing."

Caroline Self, Practice Manager, Shepperton Medical Centre


Staff at at Shepperton Medical Centre were struggling with a poor quality working environment on site, lacking the space and resources they needed to work effectively. 


NHS Property Services was able to secure funding to improve the staff area, creating a fresh and welcoming working area. 

We are committed to improving environments for NHS colleagues and patients alike. This scheme is part of our nationwide initiative to identify opportunities to improve staff rest and welfare areas for our NHS partners.


Staff are now enjoying a better working environment, with everything they need to best support patients on site. 

Supporting our NHS colleagues is a top priority, and we hope this improved space will help improve their physical and mental wellbeing ensuring the delivering of excellent patient care.