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Swindon Health Centre

Swindon Health Centre, Swindon

New £10m state-of-the-art health centre

£10 million was invested into building a new health centre to replace and relocate the outdated medical centre, as part of a wider regeneration scheme in partnership with Swindon Borough Council. The existing health centre was no longer fit for purpose to serve the growing local population and was in the wrong location for the wider regenerations scheme.

We appointed a team of project managers, technical advisors, and architects to work with Muse Developments and their appointed architects to design and provide input into the construction process. The concept of the design was to maximise the flexibility of the accommodation with generic room layouts and to make best use of the compact site available to provide a welcoming feel to the building with light and area waiting areas.

We officially opened Swindon Health Centre in June 2017. It includes two GP practices, a sexual health clinic, dentistry, podiatry and diabetic retinopathy which all existed in the old centre, and the addition of recently commissioned services including an urgent care centre and children’s centre.

The centre can provide the growing local population with high quality primary care in the state of the art medical centre. It serves the local population of 22,000 previously registered patients and 14,000 previously unregistered patients.