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Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Partnering with a CCG to develop an enabling estate for healthcare transformation

NHS Property Services (NHSPS) has a long standing relationship with this Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), with multiple properties in the area or locality and previous involvement in supporting development and delivery of their Mental Health estates strategy.

We have now developed this relationship further by expanding this strategic work into their primary and community care provision, helping to deliver their ambitions for healthcare transformation (and delivering on the NHS Long Term Plan) via developing an enabling estate.


co-designing estates strategy


identifying funding routes


surplus sites sold

The challenge

Vale of York’s CCG want the primary and community estate to support the transformation of primary care and the future of their Primary Care Networks (PCNs). Land in York is expensive and hard to come by, and from the CCG’s perspective they have lots of small GP sites that may not best meet their changing requirements as they move to PCNs.

The vision for change is ambitious, and although there will be funding for service enhancement this may not be matched with infrastructure funding. A crucial element to answering these challenges is the NHS estate, and yet in this area or locality it is generally poor – particularly for the primary and community estate – not matching current or future requirements.

The CCG identified that it wanted to develop a primary and community estates strategy and that they wanted to work with NHSPS and other partners in shaping the estate to meet the primary care needs of the future.

The solution

NHSPS has been a key partner to the CCG, co-designing and delivering the enabling estate they need to transform their local healthcare and deliver excellent patient care.

We have grown this into a close and productive relationship, which includes:

  • Supporting disposals and transfers to shrink surplus estate.
  • Co-funding a primary community care estates strategy, working with both the CCG and local authority to build a strategic approach.
  • Identifying possible routes for development and working with partners to maximise investment in the estate. This involves looking at options to recycle capital on sites, but building relationships with local partners to ensure third party investment for other sites.
  • Working alongside the local city council and provider organisations to build a more holistic view and plan for the public sector estate in the region.
  • Supporting development of bids and scenario development for projects.

The impact

Rationalising the estate

NHSPS started with 42 properties in this region in 2015, which we have already reduced by 11, working with the CCG to identify and manage surplus leased properties and NHS buildings and land which can be sold to generate much needed capital for reinvestment. Firm plans are in place for a further 11 properties over the next 18 months.

Supporting clinical service transition

Supporting CCG and providers in the estates elements of transition arrangements associated with the mental health services contract.

Developing the estate

Two key focus sites are Monkgate Health Centre and Acomb Gables, where we are working with the CCG and city council to establish best future use (i.e. reproviding healthcare, or enabling residential development and relocate healthcare). Monkgate is also a potential One Public Estate (OPE) scheme.

Wider strategy

We have appointed consultants for the wider estates strategy project, and they are now reviewing data. Our next step will then be working with the CCG and local council to better understand their estate requirements over the next 5-10 years.

Customer feedback

“Partnerships are crucial to the transformation of York’s healthcare provision, and we see NHSPS as a key partner in co-designing and optimising the NHS estate.”

Stephanie Porter Assistant Director of Primary Care, Vale of York CCG