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How town planning can help you transform your NHS estate

Find out how we can help you unlock funding, speed up your developments and get better deals for the NHS.

Our resident town planning experts discuss the impact that town planning can have on building new health facilities and keeping care in the community.

They also share case study examples of how they've helped ICBs and Trusts across England unlock hundreds of thousands more in funding - and how they can do the same for you. 

Webinar recording: How town planning can help you transform your NHS estate

Watch our webinar recording to get more help unlocking funding, speeding up your developments and getting better deals for the NHS.

Learn more about:

  • What is town planning and why it matters to the NHS
  • How to unlock funding
  • Why you should care about planning policy
  • Maximising your site potential through site promotions
  • Case studies
  • Q&A

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