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Put waste in its place

With so many different coloured bags for your waste, do you know what goes where?

Across the NHS, a substantial amount of waste is put in the wrong waste bins.  

One of the biggest issues is the incorrect use of the clinical waste stream. The orange waste bag in particular is meant for items used to treat those with infections only. So this includes things like infectious PPE, dressings and swabs. But, a lot of people also put non-infectious, general and recyclable waste in there too. 

This results in less waste being recycled, and it becomes much more expensive to process.  

To address these issues, in 2023, NHS England launched a new waste strategy with the aim to reduce clinical waste. 

The NHS Waste Strategy aims to generate approximately £11 million in savings, every year for the next ten years, by helping colleagues manage waste effectively.

The plan should lead to a 30% reduction in carbon emissions and help support the NHS’s net-zero targets.  

To support this, NHS Property Services (NHSPS) is aiming to increase the amount of recycling across our sites and put recycling bins in even more of our properties in the next year.  

Download our waste streams guide

You can use our poster below to help and remind your colleagues about how to properly throw away their waste. 

Sticking labels onto bins and placing posters above your bins could help your colleagues understand the NHS waste streams. And stop waste being put in the wrong bins. 


Download our 7 types of plastic guide

Use this guide to learn the different types of plastic. What can be recycled and what it can be turned into. 

Print and put these above your bins to help colleagues recycle. 


Want more information?

Every item we can recycle or use to create energy saves the NHS money.

Don’t waste your waste.  

Speak to your NHSPS site contact who can help you install the right waste bins with the right labels and posters.