An intrepid team of NHS adventurers from the Midlands has braved a 3000 ft climb to the summit of Mount Helvellyn in the Lake District – all in the name of charity.
The team proudly call themselves the Midlands Money Makers – and every penny raised is donated to children’s cancer charity, Young Lives vs. Cancer. The trek, which took place on the 19th of June, has already raised over £1600 and saw the 16-strong team clock up more than 11 miles as they trekked the beautiful circular route that took them to the top.
Members of the ever-growing Midlands Money Makers Team are all part of NHS Property Services, and are raising funds for the organisation’s new charity partner.
Team member Tania Compton says: “Cancer touches everybody’s life in some way and I have personally lost friends and relatives to this dreadful disease. I could never imagine the horror of being told one of my children had cancer and I’m so keen to support those who face this. We are a team that like to challenge ourselves both in and out of work and as such these types of adventures really appeal. We always have such a good time and along with raising vital funds, the adventures are fantastic for team building. It’s great to see everyone enjoying the events and seeing the numbers of participants grow with each one. After every event, I get asked what I’m organising next - and that makes it all worthwhile.”
Team members include colleagues from all areas of the business – from facilities coordinators and managers to domestic assistants and regional partnership directors. While they come from all areas of the NHS, the team have on thing in common – a love of raising funds for great causes - and a love of adventure. During the trek, the team welcomed the stunning view, the wonderful weather and the opportunity to meet some of their newer co-workers in person for the first time after being kept apart for 18 months due to Covid restrictions.
This isn’t the first time the Midlands Money Makers have donned their walking boots for charity. In October 2020, the team braved Mount Snowdon, and most recently they took on the challenge of walking between each of the Leicester City centre health centres. They set off from Fosse House and clocked up 18 miles along Braustone HSCC, New Parks Health Centre, Rushey Meads Health Centre, Uppingham Road Health Centre, Melbourne Road, St John's, Dental Access, Pasley Road Health Centre, and back to Fosse House.
With £2,413 raised so far this year, the team aren’t close to being done yet. They’re planning more exciting walking and trekking adventures around the country – with the next big fundraising event being a Peak District trek in September, followed by a Christmas Ball at West Midlands Safari Park.
If you’d like to donate to the Midland Money Makers, please click here.
The Midlands Moneymakers are:
Anna Waters Principal Operations Manager, Lisa Bentley Lees Senior Facilities Support Manager, Liz Turner Principal Property Management Accountant, James Bray Senior Transactions Manager, Louise Tunstall Facilities Coordinator, Andrew Strange Regional Partnership Director, Amy Gray Facilities Coordinator, Mandy Richardson Domestic Assistant, Vicky Taylor Senior National Office Programme Manager.