NHS Property Services (NHSPS), working with NHS North West London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), has submitted plans to transform Northwood and Pinner Cottage Hospital and the adjoining Northwood Health Centre.
Earlier this year a public consultation was held, including a series of live online events, to present the proposals for the site and obtain local residents’ and stakeholders’ views. With positive feedback received from the consultation, an application was submitted to Hillingdon Council and is expected to be determined in the Summer.
The submitted plans seek to breathe new life into the locally listed building by creating a modern, attractive and enhanced health hub in the former Cottage Hospital building whilst preserving the war memorial commemorating those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars. The proposals will also create 70 new homes on the site, designed to complement the surrounding area.
The modern refurbishment of the Northwood and Pinner Cottage Hospital was designed in collaboration with various NHS stakeholders including the GP surgeries from the current health centre (Acre Surgery and Carepoint Practice), whilst also providing other services designed to complement both physical and mental health needs of the local population.
High quality landscaping and new planting is proposed across the site, including new dedicated garden spaces for the health hub, as well as communal gardens and roof terraces for residents.
Claire Eves, Associate Director of Outer London Services for Central and North West London, said:
“We are pleased to support this project because it means better facilities for patient care and a better, more modern base for staff to work from. It’s an exciting proposition which we’re glad to see making progress.”
Dr Diviash Thakrar, GP Partner at Acre Surgery, commented:
“We are looking forward to the move of our health centre to its new proposed site. Historically we understand this was a site gifted by the community, to look after the local population. We remember 20 years ago we used to see patients on the ward, when it functioned as a Cottage Hospital. It will be good to see the site return to being used with the same ethos of patient care. The improved facility and easier access to the main road will no doubt be a big plus.”
Dr Khatanji Odedra, GP Partner at Carepoint Practice, commented:
“We support this project because our patients will benefit from a modern building, designed to meet current and future needs. A great deal of effort by all stakeholders has managed to get us to this stage and we are hopeful successful completion will show what we can achieve when working together.”
A spokesperson for NHS Property Services commented:
“The proposals for the site are a fantastic example of how we can bring forward improved healthcare facilities for local residents whilst also securing long-term and sustainable support for the NHS, at a time when it is needed more than ever. Having worked hard to bring forward a well-thought-out development, we were really pleased with the response from local people and welcomed the level of positive feedback. It was clear how important the war memorial is to the community and we are excited to have retained this as part of a modern healthcare facility. We would like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation.”
The planning application is available on the Hillingdon Council Planning Portal - reference number: 23658/APP/2021/1296. Anyone wanting further information should email consultation@cascadecommunications.co.uk, or telephone 020 7871 3565.