Published date: 07 December 2021

60 seconds with Karen Hall

Karen is one of our Facilities Coordinators in Nottinghamshire and shares her experiences after working in the NHS for over 20 years.

Meet Karen

What is your role at NHSPS?

I transferred to NHSPS in 2018 and have worked as a Facilities Coordinator. However, I have worked within the NHS for over 20 years

What does an average day look like for you?

No two days are ever the same, I could be having a meeting with a client onsite, to cleaning, to carrying out sickness review meetings.

How has it been for you during the pandemic?

It has been busier, and work has increased, but not as much as frontline staff, they are amazing with keeping the country on its feet. I couldn’t do my job without them.

What's your favourite thing about your job?

It’s got to be working with a fantastic team, we have some of the best frontline staff within the NHS, my team leaders are second to none and my line managers not bad, but don’t tell him I said that! [Laughs]

Describe your colleagues in three words...

Caring, professional, reliable.

What does pride mean to you?

It’s about being proud of who you are, not feeling ashamed, not feeling separate. Whether your gay, lesbian, bisexual etc, it’s about knowing you shouldn’t feel less than anyone else and to celebrate all our differences no matter who you are. I have a beautiful wife, her name is Kimberly, but we call her ‘Kim’. It will be our 25th anniversary next year. We have been in a civil partnership but got married in 2018 when it was made legal and it’s great to celebrate this.

If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

The ability to sing and play the piano, I love music and would love to surprise my wifeand friends with a good sing-along.

What have you done during lockdown to help your wellbeing?

[Laughs] A lot of eating and drinking, getting out walking the boys, Bertie and Frankie, our two little sausage dogs, and weekly WhatsApp quizzes with friends.

Who would you invite to dinner, dead or alive?

Stevie Wonder, Bettie Daviesand Victoria Wood.