NHS Property Services' Insights blog explores the latest in the health property sector
Our blog explores the latest in the health property sector with insights from our property and facilities management experts.
Showing results 104 - 112 of 127
15 July 2020
Meeting the ever-changing and urgent demand for space
Simon Taylor, our Head of Portfolio Optimisation, speaks to Health Business UK on how the NHS and wider healthcare system will need to optimise its facilities post-coronavirus.
10 July 2020
Covid-19: Town Planning Update - July 2020
Our Town Planning team has prepared a guidance note on some recent amendments to the Town and Country Planning Regulations 2020.
11 June 2020
Nutrient Neutrality and Town Planning: A Guide
New developments in the Solent region now need to demonstrate 'nitrate neutrality'. What does this mean for future planning applications? Our Town Planning team advises.
15 April 2020
COVID-19 Modular Building: Quick Reference Guide
With this technical guidance document we hope to support the procurement and implementation of modular units on the NHS estate, to match the evolving treatment requirements to combat the virus.
14 April 2020
COVID-19: Town Planning Update
Our Town Planning team have gathered the latest information on how Government and Local Planning Authorities are maintaining Planning activities during and in response to the current pandemic.
27 February 2020
Transforming the NHS estate
Hear from John Westwood, our Director or Asset Management, on how we can make best use of the NHS estate.
10 February 2020
Optimising NHS Spaces
Watch our video to learn how can we work together to shape the NHS estate for the future.
22 January 2020
The London Plan’s impact on the NHS estate
How will the draft new London Plan impact the NHS estate, and how the NHS can work together to maximise any potential opportunities?
13 January 2020
Capturing funds to develop the NHS estate
Our Town Planning team speaks to a think tank on how to best capture funding through the town planning system to develop and improve the NHS estate.
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