NHS Property Services' Insights blog explores the latest in the health property sector
Our blog explores the latest in the health property sector with insights from our property and facilities management experts.
Showing results 110 - 118 of 127
10 February 2020
Optimising NHS Spaces
Watch our video to learn how can we work together to shape the NHS estate for the future.
22 January 2020
The London Plan’s impact on the NHS estate
How will the draft new London Plan impact the NHS estate, and how the NHS can work together to maximise any potential opportunities?
13 January 2020
Capturing funds to develop the NHS estate
Our Town Planning team speaks to a think tank on how to best capture funding through the town planning system to develop and improve the NHS estate.
18 December 2019
Making the NHS work smarter: introducing agile working
Our Head of the National Office Programme writes on the benefits and opportunities for making NHS office space smarter.
11 December 2019
Better supporting the NHS at a local level with new regions and roles
How we're supporting the NHS with our new regions and roles
06 December 2019
Article: On Healthcare and Hotels
We discuss the concept of patient hotels and whether it could work for the NHS.
04 December 2019
Ensuring safety of your buildings
Since forming in 2013, NHS Property Services has come a long way to ensure you and your building are safe.
18 November 2019
Your guide to Permission in Principle (PiP) planning
Our Town Planning team have prepared a guide to this faster and cheaper route to obtaining planning permission.
11 October 2019
Blog: National Customer Service Week
How we're driving excellence in customer service
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