Published date: 11 December 2024
Author: Aahsan Rahman, Head of Town Planning, NHS Property Services
Each year, there’s c.£7 billion circulating in developer contributions to improve local infrastructure. But only 4 in 10 NHS estate and finance leaders see this source as relevant to delivering their estates strategy. *
That means that more than half of NHS senior leaders are likely missing out on critical – and potentially significant – sums of money to improve their healthcare estate.
Where does the £7 billion figure come from?
In 2018-2019, a report by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (published in August 2020) found that £7 billion a year was circulating in Developer Contributions.
The report detailed how this funding was distributed among different infrastructure providers. Worryingly, health was included in the 'other' category rather than independently and received only £187 million. For comparison, education received £439 million, and transport received £294 million.
Why’s the money not being accessed?
Working with the Department of Health, in 2022, we commissioned an independent report to find out what the barriers were and how we can overcome them. The no.1 recommendation was that NHS leaders needed more expertise to secure funding – as accessing developer contributions requires a lot of evidence, professional knowledge and negotiation (and steel!).
And our latest research showed us this is a broader issue... In fact, 6 out of 10 ICBs and Trusts fail to make the most of capital funding because of barriers around capacity, capability or collaboration.
“I think it’s a real gap in a lot of areas that the NHS is not picking up on. Some local authorities are sitting on some contributions that the health system doesn’t know is there,”
Liz Luxton, Estates Delivery Lead – Kent and Medway NHS England – Commercial Directorate.
Hear from the experts
Watch this video to get expert advice on making the most of funding opportunities in the Town Planning system.
What are Developer Contributions?
Developer contributions are sums of money paid by a developer to the local authority as part of the planning permission process. These contributions often go towards funding improvements that mitigate the impact of a new development and support the community. For example, improving roads, parks, schools, or in our cases - healthcare -in the area.
There are two types of developer contributions - Section 106 (S106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). So, what are they and how can you access them?
Section 106
Want to learn more?
Look out for my next blog, “5 top tips to unlock funding through the Town Planning system” for advice to help you succeed in your applications for S106 and CIL funding
You can also read the chapter, ‘How to leverage developer contributions’, in our guide to NHS Estate Funding for a more detailed insight. This guide, written by experts across NHSPS, includes in-depth information about eight funding methods to help you get the most from capital and revenue funding.
Want help with Town Planning?
We'll help you get the green light on your projects and secure funding for your estate plans by writing planning applications and giving you pre-application advice. Find out more about our Town Planning service. If you'd like further support, please do get in touch.
*That’s what our recent survey with the Health Service Journal (HSJ) told us. Full report here.