Published date: 30 November 2021
NHS Property Services joined the plenary panel at this year's NHS Property conference to discuss progress made since the NHS Strategic Estates Planning team and how we can continue to optimise the NHS estate. You can now watch a recording of the session below.
Earlier this month I joined the plenary panel of the NHS Property 2021 conference, speaking alongside James Bawn from Community Health Partnerships and Nicola Theron from North London Partners in Health and Care – both former colleagues from the original NHS Strategic Estates Planning team – as well as Saurabh Das of Avison Young and our session Chair, Daniella Barrow from ACES.
We discussed the progress made since the NHS Strategic Estates Planning team, the evolution of Integrated Care Systems and their estate considerations, and how we can continue to optimise the NHS estate.
It was a productive session, with lots to cover, and I hope it set the right tone and focus for the rest of the day’s session in its consideration of ICSs and how estates support can evolve and grow alongside their emergence.
Watch a recording of the panel session
The ongoing review and optimisation of the NHS estate is vital to delivering excellent patient care, particularly at the NHS faces an unprecedented patient backlog, Covid-19 recovery in the midst of ongoing pandemic-related demands, and a period of huge organisational change with the emergence of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).
I am keen to continue the conversation beyond this event, so if you’d like to learn more about anything raised here, please get in touch.