Published date: 30 July 2020
There have been significant changes to the town planning system over the last few weeks. Our Town Planning team has produced a guidance note to provide a brief overview and a consideration of how this impacts the NHS estate.
On 21st July the Government published new statutory instruments which amend both The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 and The Town and County Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (“the Use Classes Order”). These changes will come into effect on the 31st August and 1st September.
There have been several significant amendments to the General Permitted Development Order, allowing the extension or demolition and rebuild of certain buildings. There have also been numerous amendments to the Use Classes Order, meaning the A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and D2 uses will all cease to exist. Three new use classes (E, F1 and F2) will primarily accommodate these uses, with the remainder falling into the Sui Generis use class.
The changes will have significant implications on the interaction of the NHS with the town planning system. It is essential that the NHS comprehensively explores the opportunities presented by the re-designation of D1 health uses into the new E use class, in order to pro-actively manage the needs of the NHS estate. The NHSPS Town Planning team will continue to lobby for positive changes to the town planning system in order to maximise the efficiency of how we manage our portfolio.
Read the guide
This is a general guide only and is not intended to be comprehensive or a substitute for taking detailed professional advice. No liability is accepted for the information it contains or any errors or omissions.
Want to know more?
A comprehensive update to the NHSPS Guide to the Use Classes Order is now available.
For more advice about these amendments, please contact a member of the Town Planning Team.