Published date: 11 May 2021

Converting unused admin space to expand clinical capacity

Cobham Health Centre, Cobham


Customers: Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System / Partnership, Dr Trent & Partners

NHSPS representatives: Emma Finegan (Principal Portfolio Optimisation Manager) and Tony Sampson (Minor Works Manager), Henry Liddell (Senior Property Manager)

Partners: Peacock Construction

Customer feedback

"We were incredibly happy with the construction and how the work was handled. Peacock Construction were very considerate, kept us informed and we feel the work is of a very high standard. The space is now being used to accommodate our newly appointed clinical pharmacist and hopefully a new trainee GP from August."

Claire Yarborough, Business Manager, Cobham Health Centre


This busy GP practice was struggling to serve their growing patient list, and required more clinical rooms to expand capacity and services. There was a large and unused admin/meeting space on site which could be put to better use. 

The CCG had sourced funding through the Council (Community Infrastructure Levy), and so NHSPS was brought in to plan the works, procure the building contractor, and then recharge it back to the CCG to spend the CIL funding. 


NHS Property Services (NHSPS) teams re-designed the meeting space to optimise it for clinical usage. Our designs had to meet NHB guidance and the GP's requirements, and fit within the prescribed budget.

Our Minor Works team agreed the scope of work with the CCG/GPs, went to three contractors to tender the work and advised the CCG/GPs on the best option. They prepared the building contracts, instructed the contractor, Risk Assessment Method Statements, pre-start meetings and project managed the work throughout.

Our Property Management team also agreed a License for Alternation with the Superior Landlord on behalf of the CCG/GPs prior to work commencing.


The previously underused admin space now accommodates two clinical rooms and a smaller meeting space, enabling the GP to better serve it's ~15,000 patients in new and improved environments. We delivered the scheme on time and within budget, and are delighted to have such satisfied customers.