Published date: 16 February 2021
Multiple sites across Manchester
Customers: Manchester Health & Care Commissioning (MHCC), Manchester Local Care Organisation and Manchester Foundation Trust
NHSPS representatives: Daniel Burdett - Regional Partnership Director, Kathryn McDermott - Senior Facilities Service Manager, Maria Oakman - Senior Property Manager, Fiona Powell - Facilities Service Manager and Sarah Delaney - Health & Safety Manager
Customer feedback
It’s been a real team effort and we would not have made the progress we have without the people resource, expertise and partnering – your (NHSPS) support is greatly appreciated in all aspects of the planning, operations, working transactions under a significant time pressure.
Marcus Shaw, Head of Estates, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
Upon the announcement of the national vaccination roll out, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning approached NHS Property Services to support a total facilities and property management solution for the vaccination programme in Manchester.
We assessed the NHSPS portfolio and third party choices, identifying suitable NHSPS third party sites in the region.
We ran due diligence across all third party sites to ensure suitability and feasibility, including assessments on risk, health and safety, value for money and ongoing service provision. Our Property Managers then negotiated lease terms, working with our in-house legal team to put agreements into place on behalf of the CCG.
Our Facilities Management teams then set up each site in a very short timeframe. This includes:
In the space of two and a half months we have identified and prepared nine vaccination sites across Manchester. This will provide safe and compliant space for staff and patients alike, and ensure good value is delivered for the NHS.
This is a result of a system wide collaboration approach, and an excellent example of how we can work with healthcare partners across the region.
The pictures below show one of the sites in Manchester.