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Webinar recording: NHSPS Green Plan Launch Webinar

On 3 August 2022, we hosted a special webinar about our newly-released Green Plan.

This Green Plan sets out the goals and steps we will take to become net zero carbon by 2040, enabling the NHS to deliver excellent patient care now and in the future.

During the webinar, we discussed:

  • The eight Green Plan deliverables and their associated actions, including transport, climate adaptation and estates and facilities.
  • What changes will be made and how they will affect you.
  • The lessons learnt from the last three years.
  • How you can get involved.
  • Q&A session with the NHSPS Energy and Environment team.

Watch the recording

Hear from our Energy and Environment team on the importance of our new Green Plan and what it means for you.

You can access the slides here. We'll share the Q&A summary with you soon. 

Watch now

Have a question?

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our Greener NHS programme, please get in touch with our team.

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