The Customer Occupancy Handbook is a helpful guide for organisations occupying NHS Property Services (NHSPS) buildings.
We've updated your Customer Occupancy Handbook (previously known as the Occupier Handbook) to make it simpler and easier to understand.
This handbook explains what your responsibilities are as a customer in one of our buildings and what we'll look after for you.
Your Customer Occupancy Handbook has everything you need to know about:
How to contact us for customer support, facilities management, compliments and complaints.
Our approach to charging, paying rent, and occupancy agreements.
Effective building management including energy savings and health and safety.
Your guide to occupying an NHS Property Services building
Read this handbook for information on:
Please take the time to read this handbook as it can help answer any questions you have about your building.
We welcome your feedback and encourage you to get in touch with your comments and what you would like to see in future editions.
Please note a separate handbook will be issued for PFI properties.
Want to know more?
To find out more about our buildings and occupation agreements, contact our Customer Service Centre.