As a GP, you can be reimbursed for rent, business rates, water and clinical waste collection charges.
The reimbursables section in your Annual Budget Schedule (ABS) provides an overview of the total amount your practice may be eligible to claim from your commissioner under each reimbursable charge type (rent, business rates, water and clinical waste services).
Please fill in your reimbursable claim form using the figures included in the reimbursables section of your ABS and return it to your commissioner for processing, depending on your funding route, along with your ABS from NHS Property Services.
If sending the claim by email, the email subject line should be formatted as follows: Practice - Practice Code - Commissioner Name - Type of Claim (i.e. Premises Reimbursement).
Filling out your reimbursable claim form should take less than ten minutes.
Questions about how to claim?
If you have any questions about how to claim your reimbursable charges, please contact our Customer Service Centre.