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Delivering a Greener NHS FAQ

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Find answers to frequently asked questions about our Greener NHS programme.

We’re aiming to increase the number of solar panel installations on the estate, either as standalone solutions or as part of a wider Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

We already have some sites with solar panels and some of our current construction projects include solar PV as part of the design.

That being said, not all sites are suitable for solar PV either as a roof installation or on the ground. In that case, we can explore other solutions.

We will investigate all options if they are feasible. Generally, new buildings provide a lower cost to install as they can be designed into the structure.

The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) offers grants to reduce carbon emissions from public sector buildings. Funding is usually allocated within hours of the application window, making the scheme extremely competitive.

While we have not able to secure any PSDS funding so far, we are trying to secure investment in other ways. For example, we are using our internal funding process to boost existing projects where boilers are being replaced with heat pumps. Our Energy team is also investing more money in making sure heat pumps are specified, phasing out fossil fuel heating sources and improving the energy efficiency of our buildings.

In addition, we are currently reviewing projects for the 2023-24 back-log maintenance capital programme. This will help us identify which sites might be a good fit for the next phase of the PSDS.

There are a number of things we need to consider, such as demand, power limitations at the site, suitable payment methods for the users, etc.

We are developing a strategy for EV charging infrastructure based on these key considerations. This strategy will also cover options for customers to either benefit from installations or use our supply chain to install charging points. 

Energy performance certificates (EPCs) and Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are used to determine good and poor performing properties, along with other metrics, such as a kWh/m2 analysis of our estate, energy consumption heatmaps and maintenance requirements.

In 2021-2022, we saved £37 million under our flexible trading strategy compared to the average market rate. We will continue to source the most competitive market rates, hedge our energy trading strategy to spread risk, and engage with market leaders in energy procurement to get the best value for our customers. Other benefits we offer customers are 100% renewable electricity, sustainability reporting, legal compliance coverage, carbon footprinting and decarbonisation planning.

We are trying to join as many ICS sustainability forums as possible, both on ICS level and a trust level. These interactions not only allow us to give our customers updates on what we’re doing, but also establish their priorities and challenges.

At the moment, we are using funding from the Department of Health. This means there is no cost to customers in terms of capital works. Where these works may be seen as revenue, we take a cost-benefit analysis to make sure savings exceed the costs.

Yes, the priority are the sites where we are already undertaking ‘backlog maintenance’. We have created our own version of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) called the Regional Energy Efficiency Fund (REEF). This scheme provides top-up funding to an existing project to either decarbonise the site or increase its energy efficiency. We also undertake projects based on local recommendations, such as LED installations and Sub-metering. These projects are then reviewed based on payback and tonnes of carbon saved per pound invested.

We have good data back to 2017/2018 for the sites where we provide electricity and gas. If you’re interested in this data, reach out to our Customer Service Centre.

Yes, we have internal waste leads and internal waste audit process to check how well we're managing our waste segregation.

From sharing lessons learnt in an informal manner through to consulting engagements: we can assist in a number of ways. Please get in touch and we can work out a plan.

Currently, we only report on the financial metrics and the amount that goes to landfill (less than 1%). We're very keen to increase our level of recycling and will be looking to increase the amount of reporting we provide on the environmental benefits.

Yes, all electricity procured via our central contracts is backed by REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) certificates. The certificates are available upon request

Yes, click here to request a copy of the EPC.

We're establishing a Social Value Framework in line with the procurement roadmap of NHS England. This framework goes beyond measuring carbon emissions, covering topics like wellbeing, economic inequality and equal opportunities.

Yes, we are acutely aware of the risks and opportunities climate change poses. That is why we've put several measures in place to reduce emissions, help mitigate the effects of climate change and protect our natural environment.

Read our policy here.

Yes, we do. We recognise that climate change is one of the biggest threats of our century. It not only presents a challenge to our economy, but it is also a threat to the foundations of good health, with direct and immediate consequences for patients, the public and the NHS.

You can find our policy here.

Yes, we're committed to preserving natural resources, reducing carbon emissions and helping mitigate the effects of climate change.

Click here to read the policy.