NHS Open Space provides all NHS and public sector landlords with a suite of specialist estates management, booking and analytics tools, complemented by support and guidance from healthcare sector specialists.
Our self-service booking platform is at the heart of the NHS Open Space estate management system, and for use both internally and externally. It powers the simple and effective utilisation of all
your available spaces round the clock, while also saving you valuable administration time and resources.
Health, wellbeing and community services can book flexible, affordable rooms across England on an hourly, daily or sessional basis. It’s pay-as-you-go, so you only pay for the time and space you need. No lease required.
Find a spaceCQC standard rooms available to book
unique healthcare providers registered
patient hours made available
bookings made on a pay as you go basis
Since launch we've grown the NHS Open Space community, welcoming users spanning the NHS, private and community services. We've reached 550,000+ bookings that account for over 3.5m+ hours of vital patient care in the communities they are needed most, putting underused or vacant rooms back to good use.
Learn moreWe've significantly expanded our service, and now have 200+ properties in our portfolio, spanning 1,300 rooms nationwide. And with more new properties set to join the NHS Open Space community in 2025 - watch this space!
Explore our spaces