Contact us

Media and press enquiries

To contact our Media team, please email

You can use the form below for filming and photography requests.

Filming and Photography

If you’re interested in filming or taking photos at one of our sites for commercial purposes, please complete the application form below.

A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Filming and Photography Application Form

Name of NHS Property Services property where filming/photography is proposed
Please outline the purpose of the filming/photography
Please name the production company/organisation making this request
Please name any other organisations taking part in the filming or for whom you are acting on behalf of
Main contact name and address details
If different details from above
Set out a brief description of the Scene or Scenes to be filmed on the premises. If you have a specific location in mind please specify, otherwise please give an indication of the type of location you are looking to use, giving as much detail as possible
Date(s) and time(s) of filming
Explanation of story/context in which the Premises will be shown, where else is filming/videotaping/photography taking place, who else is being interviewed
e.g. children/adults/specialist market
If not available, must be provided at least 28 hours before filming/shoot
If applicable
Specify quantity, type and weight of cameras, lights, sound equipment and other equipment together with detail as to whether each is battery or mains powered and the applicable ratings (in watts)
E.g. temporary power supplies etc.