Contact us

Report a facilities management issue

Our Customer Service Centre offers 24/7, 365 days per year help with all FM services matters.

To log an urgent job which requires immediate resolution at any time of the day, please call our CSC on 0808 196 2045.  

For non-urgent issues use Connect, our online portal. 

What is an urgent vs non-urgent job?

We know it can be confusing to know if an issue in your building is urgent or non-urgent so we've put together this helpful infographic to explain the differences. It also outlines what the process is once you report an issue to us.

Take a look and feel free to print it off to stick up in your property.

View the infographic

Reporting emergency and urgent issues

To log an urgent job which requires immediate resolution at any time of the day, please 0808 196 2045.  

Please only report urgent or emergency issues via the phone line, to help keep it free for your colleagues across the country that need issues resolved ASAP in order to continue to care for patients. 

Reporting non-urgent issues

Connect allows customers to log non-urgent FM jobs, queries and complaints quickly and with greater transparency about their status. In a recent survey, users gave it 4/5 stars, citing it easier to log jobs, better updates and being able to see other jobs logged at their site.

Find out more about Connect and create an account.