Our duty to you
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 requires us to:
Before you make a request
Before you make an FOI request, check whether the information you seek is already available. NHS Property Services publishes information on this website and you may well find the answer to your question is already here. We have a publication scheme setting out what information we currently release or expect to release.
If you request information from NHS Property Services that is already published, we will simply refer you to the published source.
What information can you request?
Anyone can ask for information from NHS Property Services and you can seek any recorded information that you think NHS Property Services may hold.
We will provide as much information as we can, however, due to the sensitivity of some of this information, we have a duty of confidence to those making a claim. In line with FOI, this means that no information will be released which could lead to the identification of an individual.
If the information is environmental, we will respond according to the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004. You do not have to know whether the information you want is covered by the EIR or the FOIA. When you make a request, we will decide which law applies.
If the information is your own personal data, you should make a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998, and not under the FOIA. See “Requesting Information Held About Me” below for how to make Subject Access Requests.
Make your request
If you would like to make a Freedom of Information request to NHS Property Services, please email us using Freedom of Information in the subject line. Our email is: customer.service@property.nhs.uk
Alternatively, you can fill out this form.
What you should include in your request
The FOI Act requires certain information to be supplied before NHS Property Services can respond to your request:
You don’t need to:
You have a right to information, however it is recorded.
Wording your request
Comprehensive guidance on submitting effective requests for information is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office. However, to frame an effective request for the information you need:
After you've made your request
NHS Property Services has a legal obligation to reply to your FOI request and must do so within 20 working days of receipt. We will do one of the following:
If you're unhappy with the reply to your request
You can ask NHS Property Services for an internal review of your FOI request.
When you write to us requesting an internal review, we will acknowledge your letter and tell you how long we think the review will take. We aim to complete internal reviews within 20 working days, although more cases that are complex may take longer. Where internal reviews go over 20 working days, we will keep you informed of progress.
If, after an internal review, you are still not satisfied you can then complain to the Information Commissioner (ICO). Details of how to do this are available at the ICO website.
Full details of how to ask NHS Property Services for an internal review will be included in our initial reply to your FOI request. Details of how to complain further to the Information Commissioner will be included in our response to your internal review request.
Caldicott Guardian
A Caldicott Guardian is a senior person in an organisation who handles personal health and social care data. The main job of a Caldicott Guardian is to make sure that the personal information of people who use the organisation’s services is used legally, ethically, and appropriately, while maintaining confidentiality. They provide leadership and guidance on complex issues related to confidentiality and information sharing.
Our Director Responsible Business is the Caldicott Guardian at NHSPS.
For NHSPS, having a Caldicott Guardian is essential even though NHSPS is not a data controller for patient information. This is because some of our colleagues may be exposed to patient information due to their environments. Our Caldicott Guardian makes sure we meet our obligations and maintain high standards for handling personal information.
Also known as a Subject Access Request, you have the right to request access, a correction and/or deletion of your personal data, among other things.
Request information about yourselfYou can also find details of previous Freedom of Information (FOI) request on our website.
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