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Read the latest insights from our experts on the health property sector

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5 top tips for combining multiple sources of capital funding

To help you take a more strategic approach to combining multiple funding streams, here are 5 top tips from our experts.

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5 essential tips for writing a successful business case

We’ve created a handbook made up of expert insight, practical advice and our top 10 tips. To help you and your partners build compelling, data-driven business cases that get you over the tricky approval line.

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To build or not to build: Why town planning policy matters?

Involving yourself in shaping planning policy can mean the difference between unlocking millions in funding or facing costly delays.

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Reflecting on ICS estate infrastructure strategies – and looking ahead

Read Simon's reflections and advice for ICBs as we transition from strategy to delivery.

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5 top tips for unlocking funding through the Town Planning system

If you don't know how to access some of the £7bn of developer contributions available, read my top tips to help you succeed in securing S106 and CIL funding.

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The King’s Fund Webinar: Funding the NHS estate of the future

79% of attendees said they were more likely to explore new funding sources after watching the webinar. So what did we learn?

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Funding opportunities in Town Planning: are you missing out?

Each year, c.£7 billion circulates in developer contributions to improve local infrastructure. Hear from the expert, Aahsan Rahman, about how to access huge sums of money through S106 and CIL funding.

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7 top tips to help you unlock hidden value in your leased estate

Hear from the expert - David Elstob, Head of Lease Advisory shares his top tips to prepare you for getting the most from negotiations with landlords to unlock capital and improve revenue affordability.

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NHS Providers' Annual Conference and Exhibition: in review

The NHS Providers’ Annual Conference in November 2024 was a valuable opportunity for healthcare leaders to come together, share ideas, and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the NHS in the years ahead.

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Showing results 1 - 9 of 130

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