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Property billing support

Whether you’ve got questions about your property bill or you’re looking for information about service charges, we’ve created a range of resources to help you understand our billing process.

Your Annual Budget Schedule (ABS)

As part of the improvements we’ve been making to our billing documents, we’ve redesigned the Annual Charging Schedule (ACS) and made it simpler, more consistent and easier to understand.

Based on customer feedback, we’ve renamed it to the Annual Budget Schedule (ABS) and put all the information you need about your bills in one place.

Learn more about the new Annual Budget Schedule

Understanding your property bill

Your bills will be based on your Annual Budget Schedule (ABS) and will include charges for rent and rates, facilities management, service charges and additional sums. Learn more about your property bill and see an example of our new layout based on a fictional customer. 

Find out more about your property bill

Understanding annual reconciliation

The charges outlined in your Annual Budget Schedule (ABS) are forecasts for the year ahead.

At the end of the financial year, we’ll compare the estimated costs outlined in the ABS against the actual costs of the facilities or services provided at your property.

Learn more about annual reconciliation

Interactive Annual Budget Schedule

Explore our sample Annual Budget Schedule by clicking on the blue dots to see more information about how we issue bills.

Visit the interactive Annual Budget Schedule

Update on NHSPS property costs for 2023/24 and 2024/25

This updates covers any known increases in your NHSPS property costs for 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Update on property costs for 2023/24 and 2024/25

How GPs can claim reimbursable charges

As a GP, you can be reimbursed for rent, business rates, water and clinical waste collection charges.

The reimbursables section in your Annual Budget Schedule (ABS) provides an overview of the total amount your practice may be eligible to claim from your commissioner under each reimbursable charge type (rent, business rates, water and clinical waste services).

How GPs can claim reimbursable charges

Guidance on remittances

When you send a payment to us, you must provide a remittance to let us know which invoice the payment has been made against. This means that we can allocate the payments against the correct invoice.

Find out more about how to submit a remittance

Energy and rates rebate - September 2023

​We'll shortly be issuing an energy and rates rebate to customers - read the update to find out more. If you have any questions, please take a look at our FAQ or contact the Customer Service Centre.

Customer Billable Works

Customer billable works are ad-hoc improvements made to a property within an area of the property that the customer occupies exclusively. Some typical examples of customer billable works include a request to hang a notice board or put up window blinds. 

These types of improvements fall out of standard planned, remedial or reactive maintenance and are therefore chargeable back to the customer.

Read the guide

Property billing FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about property bills, Annual Budget Schedules (ABSs) and annual reconciliation.

Property billing FAQ

Need to get in touch about your property bill?

If you’ve not been able to find what you’re looking for or if you have a query about your property bill, please contact our Customer Service Centre.

Get in touch